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User profile: Faust


For you all to know, Faust was not an overnight project. It has been a two year long proccess, starting on January 1st, 2005, with the writing of the Original Track, 'Black Halo,' by a band, The ReBorn. Lead Guitarist Jeff 'Kiatsu' Zavala worked viciously on the track with bandmates Morgan 'Henshin' Malkawitz [Bassist] and Dillon 'Raven' Hertlein [Drummer]. The ReBorn later adopted a new guitarist, Peter Konik to play lead as Jeff took the role of Rythym Guitarist and Singer. The Band went south after Konik and Zavala had a falling out which ended in knife threats. Soon after, The Original three picked back up and took the acronym NRS and created the band, Not Really Stoners, which has placed on Hiatus when Guitarist Jeff moved to the state of Georgia, leaving the power trio a duet.

While in Georgia, Jeff took a shot and landed a position as bassist for the band 'Sons of Thor,' but was quickly dropped due to a band break-up. In the end, Jeff has played in and auditioned for a total of thirteen bands, the latest and best, Faust.

Currently, Raven and Morgan await their guiatrist to pick back up, perhaps once again move under the alias NRS, or possibly Faust.

Paul has a similar story, starting a while ago as a guitarist for a local band. Bandmate Ronald was given an audition to play for Faust as drumer, but due to lack of practice, he was dropped. Drug-abuse was given as the cause of pink-slipping.

Dexter has, as of known, not been in any serious previous bands, but has attempted to play for Eternal Flame, another Local band, but was stood up twice. Currently, Dexter is set on Faust, hoping to make it big.

Faust was born in August of 2006, as Guitarist Dexter Thomas and Jefferson Zavala took into the habit of playing guitar during school lunches to earn a penny or two. It worked well with Jeff's chords matching Dex's solos. This sparked the flames of a new collaboration, known as Deff at the time.

The collaboration grew as guitarist Paul Myers found himself playing with Deff as a guitar trio, pushing the envelope to creating a nameless band. With Dex and Jeff still working the side project, Faust, Paul was instantly picked up as bassist, bringing the duo into a triplet stringed band.

Currently, the project lives on, Looking for shows to play, and times to practice, to try and get it to work in the big-time.

Welcome to Faust.