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US and Canadian Comedy Open Mikes

Open Mics in Albany, NY

Host: Randy Staats & Hans S Dirzuweit (Hanser)
Sign up starts at 6:00pm. Ranzer starts at 6:30, performs 3 songs/10 minutes and then opens the stage to others. Be prepared to play 2-3 songs/10 minutes without or with accompaniment from acoustic and/or bass guitar and possibly background vocals. Guitar amps, mics and PA provided! Multiple opportunities to play more than once as time permits. Wraps-up approx. 9:30pm


Host: PK

OPEN MIC will begin once the Renovation is completed. Feel free to reach out to the info below for questions.

PK Entertainment Presents ORIGINALS' OPEN MIC THURSDAYS!!!

All Musicians, Poets, Rappers, Comedians, Artists are Welcome!

For More Info Call or Text (518) 444-2404

This listing was last updated 6 months ago. You may want to contact the venue to confirm that the dates and time are still correct.

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