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US and Canadian Comedy Open Mikes

User profile: T.C. Holub


Hello my name is T.C. i am from Houston,Texas, i moved to San Jose,California to take care of my Uncle Mike, who's wife past away in 2009, i am a musicians and singer, i play accoustic rythum guitar and sing , i started this open mic night at "Game On Sports and Pizza" last year and i am having a little sucsess on having local musicans,poets and comidians come in and share their material with a live audiance sometime we have slow nights and sometimes good ones as well, but that is to be expected. i would like to invite everyone who plays guitar, and plsy their hand drums ,keyboards, and also poets and comidians to share the talent they have and also i would like to invite non musicians to come in and soport live entertanment and it being a all accustic open mic you can bring your amps. jimbes, bongos,and congas to join in on the fun. so if you know the way to San Jose stop by on thursday nights stating at 7pm untill 11pm and play, sing or just becouse you like LIVE MUSIC< LIVE POETS and LIVE COMIDIANS come on in to "GAME ON SPORTS and PIZZA" at 1631 N. Capitol Ave. San Jose,CA 95132 located on the corner of Hostteter and N. Capitol Ave in East San Jose we would love having you there. oh ya and it being a sports bar there are 8 big screen tv's to watch the games when i am not having the open mic night. ofcource we will problaby not have the open mic night thursday after THANKGIVING becouse the FOOTBALL GAME are on every THURSDAY NIGHT untill JAUARY and then we will start up Thursday night open mic night after the THURSDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL STOPS, but who knows we may have it on another night just keep ckeking with me. for more information you can email me at and i'll get back with you as soon as i can mean while soport you locale mucisian and see them play LIVE!!!!!! T.C. P.S ON WEDSDAY NOVEMBER 10th I WILL BE HAVING OPEN MIC ON THAT WEDNDAY AND I WILL HAVE A SPECIAL GUEST STAR "PAULA MAYA" WILL BE PREFORMING AT 8PM, SHE JUST FINSHED HER 5TH CD AND IS TOURING CALIFORNIA FROM HERE SHE WILL BE GOING TO SOUTH BY SUOTHWEST IN AUSTIN, TEXAS AND HOUSTON AFTER THAT SO PLEASE DON"T MISS OUT ON SEEING HER PLAY AT "GAME ON SPORTS BAR and PIZZA" ITS GOING TO BE A BLAST SEE YA"LL THERE for more info on Paula Maya go to, or paulamaya@myspace.come and you can always email me T.C. at so ROCK ON!!!!!!!